Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Taste!!

Here's a lil' taste of el libro 24 girls in 7 days by Alex Bradley.

Page 193 =D

"All my life I'd looked into the future and thought, hey, things are going to be great then. Then. Like, hey, once I get to junior high, everything's going to be cool and people are going to be smarter and nicer and my life will really start. And later, hey, once I get to high school, everything's going to be cool and people are going to be smarter and nicer and my life will really start. Well, junior high was over, and it hadn't been the wonderland I hoped it would be. Now high school was nearly over, and it had been basically the same as junior high, but with cars. And college was next. Now I was dreaming about college, fantasizing about what it would be like and how it would be great and how I would finally be in the place that I loved. But I knew it would turn out just the same: it would be just another insipid popularity contest."

I hope you liked that passage! I randomly opened the book and it happened to land on my most favorite paragragh in this book. =] I completely felt the same way when I read this. Ever since I was a kid, I always dreamed of the wonderous things High School or Junior High would bring. Sadly, it always ended up being a huge disappointment. Those dreams of falling in love proved to be false! And that was the biggest disappointment! Yet of course, there were always those "mean girls" or the "boy every girl wants" and all that jazz we always read about. But in the end, I guess its worth it, to teach us unheard lessons only experiences can teach. =]

<3 Kiki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kiki, just when I think we can't be soulmates to a higher degree, lol. I totally feel that way, too. Like ok, high school will be fabulous, now it's college. It never stops! Oh and I added a picture. Hope u don't mind. Loves you.

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