Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday/We're Wondering Wednesday

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens-both named Will Grayson-are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history's most fabulous high school musical.Hilarious, poignant, and deeply insightful, John Green and David Levithan's collaborative novel is brimming with a double helping of the heart and humor that have won both them legions of faithful fans.
To be honest, it really doesn't matter to me what this synopsis says. John Green always has my vote. What can I say his youtube wit has won me over. I am super excited for this book. With these two authors, there's no telling what wonders are in store.

Now for Wonder Wednesday:

I wonder... Do you use bookmarks? I never have and I never will. I just can't keep up with them and find them generally annoying. And I'm always sad when I lose the great ones. So yes, bookmarks=annoyance and loss. Anyhow....if you do use them, what's your favorite and why?

Kiki wonders...How do you read? Do you read cuddled up with cocoa? (We do!) What's your favorite hot drink to have with a book? Do you prefer to listen to music or silence? Outside or inside?


Tashi <3

1 comment:

MissA said...

Hey guys! I heard about this blog from Susan at Color Online. Keep it up! The blog looks good and I really enjoyed reading your intros. :D
I always read curled up in a comfy chair inside. Outside=bugs=NO. haha im a hater of bugs! Best drink w/ a book is Arizona ice tea or water. I use bookmarks but I too always lose them. I don't have a fav mainly because I always lose them and I only use them to hold my spot, without looking at them. However, this all changed when I got an Obama bookamrk. It's the only bookmark I have several copies of and I love it!

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